dc.creatorUrra Faúndez, Félix
dc.creatorCórdova Delgado, Miguel
dc.creatorLapier, Michel
dc.creatorOrellana Manzano, Andrea
dc.creatorAcevedo Arévalo, Luis
dc.creatorPessoa Mahana, Hernán
dc.creatorGonzález Vivanco, Jaime
dc.creatorMartínez Cifuentes, Maximiliano
dc.creatorRamírez Rodríguez, Oney
dc.creatorMillas Vargas, Juan
dc.creatorWeiss López, Boris
dc.creatorPavani, Mario
dc.creatorFerreira Parker, Jorge
dc.creatorAraya Maturana, Ramiro
dc.identifierToxicology and Applied Pharmacology 291 (2016) 46–57
dc.description.abstractMitochondria participate in several distinctiveness of cancer cell, being a promising target for the design of anti-cancer compounds. Previously, we described that ortho-carbonyl hydroquinone scaffold 14 inhibits the complex I-dependent respiration with selective anti-proliferative effect on mouse mammary adenocarcinoma TA3/Ha cancer cells; however, the structural requirements of this hydroquinone scaffold to affect the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) of cancer cells have not been studied in detail. Here, we characterize the mitochondrial metabolism of TA3/Ha cancer cells, which exhibit a high oxidative metabolism, and evaluate the effect of small structural changes of the hydroquinone scaffold 14 on the respiration of this cell line. Our results indicate that these structural changes modify the effect on OXPHOS, obtaining compounds with three alternative actions: inhibitors of complex I-dependent respiration, uncoupler of OXPHOS and compounds with both actions. To confirm this, the effect of a bicyclic hydroquinone (9) was evaluated in isolated mitochondria. Hydroquinone 9 increased mitochondrial respiration in state 4o without effects on the ADP-stimulated respiration (state 3(ADP)), decreasing the complexes I and II-dependent respiratory control ratio. The effect on mitochondrial respiration was reversed by 6-ketocholestanol addition, indicating that this hydroquinone is a protonophoric uncoupling agent. In intact TA3/Ha cells, hydroquinone 9 caused mitochondrial depolarization, decreasing intracellular ATP and NAD(P)H levels and GSH/GSSG ratio, and slightly increasing the ROS levels. Moreover, it exhibited selective NAD(P)H availability-dependent anti-proliferative effect on cancer cells. Therefore, our results indicate that the ortho-carbonyl hydroquinone scaffold offers the possibility to design compounds with specific actions on OXPHOS of cancer cells. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
dc.publisherAcademic Press Elsevier Science
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceToxicology and Applied Pharmacology
dc.subjectAnti-cancer agents
dc.subjectOxidative phosphorylation
dc.subjectComplex I
dc.titleSmall structural changes on a hydroquinone scaffold determine the complex I inhibition or uncoupling of tumoral oxidative phosphorylation
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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