dc.contributorOsses Alvarado, Axel
dc.contributorConca Rosende, Carlos
dc.contributorGarcía Mokina, Galina
dc.contributorMercado Saucedo, Alberto
dc.contributorCarreño Godoy, Nicolás
dc.creatorMontoya Zambrano, Cristhian David
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is focused on the Navier{Stokes system for incompressible uids with either Dirichlet or nonlinear Navier{slip boundary conditions. For these systems, we exploit some ideas in the context of the control theory and inverse source problems. The thesis is divided in three parts. In the rst part, we deal with the local null controllability for the Navier{Stokes system with nonlinear Navier{slip conditions, where the internal controls have one vanishing component. The novelty of the boundary conditions and the new estimates with respect to the pressure term, has allowed us to extend previous results on controllability for the Navier{ Stokes system. The main ingredients to build our result are the following: a new regularity result for the linearized system around the origin, and a suitable Carleman inequality for the adjoint system associated to the linearized system. Finally, xed point arguments are used in order to conclude the proof. In the second part, we deal with an inverse source problem for the N- dimensional Stokes system from local and missing velocity measurements. More precisely, our main result establishes a reconstruction formula for the source F(x; t) = (t)f(x) from local observations of N ����� 1 components of the velocity. We consider that f(x) is an unknown vectorial function, meanwhile (t) is known. As a consequence, the uniqueness is achieved for f(x) in a suitable Sobolev space. The main tools are the following: connection between null controllability and inverse problems throughout a result on null controllability for the N- dimensional Stokes system with N ����� 1 scalar controls, spectral analysis of the Stokes operator and Volterra integral equations. We also implement this result and present several numerical experiments that show the feasibility of the proposed recovering formula. Finally, the last chapter of the thesis presents a partial result of stability for the Stokes system when we consider a source F(x; t) = R(x; t)g(x), where R(x; t) is a known vectorial function and g(x) is unknown. This result involves the Bukhgeim-Klibanov method for solving inverse problems and some topics in degenerate Sobolev spaces.
dc.publisherUniversidad de Chile
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.subjectEcuaciones de Navier-stokes
dc.subjectProblemas inversos (Ecuaciones diferenciales)
dc.subjectNavier stokes system
dc.titleInverse source problems and controllability for the stokes and navier-stokes equations

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