dc.creatorGarufi, A.
dc.creatorQuanz, S. P.
dc.creatorSchmid, H. M.
dc.creatorMulders, G. D.
dc.creatorAvenhaus, H.
dc.creatorBoccaletti, A.
dc.creatorGinski, C.
dc.creatorLanglois, M.
dc.creatorStolker, T.
dc.creatorAugereau, J.-C.
dc.creatorBenisty, Myriam
dc.creatorLópez, B.
dc.creatorDominik, C.
dc.creatorGratton, R.
dc.creatorHenning, Thomas
dc.creatorJanson, M.
dc.creatorMénard, Francois
dc.creatorMeyer, M. R.
dc.creatorPinte, Christophe
dc.creatorSissa, E.
dc.creatorVigan, A.
dc.creatorZurlo, A.
dc.creatorBazzon, A.
dc.creatorBuenzli, E.
dc.creatorBonnefoy, M.
dc.creatorBrandner, W.
dc.creatorChauvin, G.
dc.creatorCheetham, A.
dc.creatorCudel, M.
dc.creatorDesidera, S.
dc.creatorFeldt, M.
dc.creatorGalicher, R.
dc.creatorKasper, M.
dc.creatorLagrange, Anne Marie
dc.creatorLannier, J.
dc.creatorMaire, Anne-Lise
dc.creatorMesa, D.
dc.creatorMouillet, D.
dc.creatorPeretti, S.
dc.creatorPerrot, C.
dc.creatorSalter, G.
dc.creatorWildi, F.
dc.identifierA&A 588, A8 (2016)
dc.description.abstractContext. The mechanisms governing planet formation are not fully understood. A new era of high-resolution imaging of protoplanetary disks has recently started, thanks to new instruments such as SPHERE, GPI, and ALMA. The planet formation process can now be directly studied by imaging both planetary companions embedded in disks and their e ff ect on disk morphology. Aims. We image disk features that could be potential signs of planet-disk interaction with unprecedented spatial resolution and sensitivity. Two companion candidates have been claimed in the disk around the young Herbig Ae /Be star HD 100546. Thus, this object serves as an excellent target for our investigation of the natal environment of giant planets. Methods. We exploit the power of extreme adaptive optics operating in conjunction with the new high-contrast imager SPHERE to image HD 100546 in scattered light. We obtained the first polarized light observations of this source in the visible (with resolution as fine as 2 AU) and new H and K band total intensity images that we analyzed with the p y n p o i n t package. Results. The disk shows a complex azimuthal morphology, where multiple scattering of photons most likely plays an important role. High brightness contrasts and arm-like structures are ubiquitous in the disk. A double-wing structure (partly due to angular di ff erential imaging processing) resembles a morphology newly observed in inclined disks. Given the cavity size in the visible (11 AU), the CO emission associated to the planet candidate c might arise from within the circumstellar disk. We find an extended emission in the K band at the expected location of b. The surrounding large-scale region is the brightest in scattered light. There is no sign of any disk gap associated to b.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceAstronomy and Astrophysics
dc.subjectTechniques: polarimetric
dc.subjectDisk interactions
dc.subjectCircumstellar matter
dc.titleThe SPHERE view of the planet-forming disk around HD 100546
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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