dc.creatorKowalczyk, Michal
dc.creatorLiu, Yong
dc.creatorWei, Juncheng
dc.identifierCommunications in Partial Differential Equations, 40: 329–356, 2015
dc.identifierDOI: 10.1080/03605302.2014.947379
dc.description.abstractThe Allen-Cahn equation - Delta u = u - u (3) in DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R-2 has family of trivial singly periodic solutions that come from the one dimensional periodic solutions of the problem -u '' =u - u (3). In this paper we construct a non-trivial family of singly periodic solutions to the Allen-Cahn equation. Our construction relies on the connection between this equation and the infinite Toda lattice. We show that for each one-soliton solution to the infinite Toda lattice we can find a singly periodic solution to the Allen-Cahn equation, such that its level set is close to the scaled one-soliton. The solutions we construct are analogues of the family of Riemann minimal surfaces in DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R-3.
dc.publisherTaylor & Francis
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile
dc.subjectInfinite Toda lattice
dc.subjectPeriodic solutions
dc.subjectInfinite dimensional reduction
dc.subjectOne soliton
dc.subjectMultiple end solutions
dc.subjectAllen-Cahn equation
dc.titleSingly Periodic Solutions of the Allen-Cahn Equation and the Toda Lattice
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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