dc.creatorMaurel, Agnès
dc.creatorLund Plantat, Fernando
dc.creatorMontagnat, Maurine
dc.identifierProc. R. Soc. A 471: 20140988, 2015
dc.identifierDOI: 10.1098/rspa.2014.0988
dc.description.abstractThe propagation of elastic waves in polycrystals is revisited, with an emphasis on configurations relevant to the study of ice. Randomly oriented hexagonal single crystals are considered with specific, nonuniform, probability distributions for their major axis. Three typical textures or fabrics (i.e. preferred grain orientations) are studied in detail: one cluster fabric and two girdle fabrics, as found in ice recovered from deep ice cores. After computing the averaged elasticity tensor for the considered textures, wave propagation is studied using a wave equation with elastic constants c = c + δc that are equal to an average plus deviations, presumed small, from that average. This allows for the use of the Voigt average in the wave equation, and velocities are obtained solving the appropriate Christoffel equation. The velocity for vertical propagation, as appropriate to interpret sonic logging measurements, is analysed in more details. Our formulae are shown to be accurate at the 0.5% level and they provide a rationale for previous empirical fits to wave propagation velocities with a quantitative agreement at the 0.07–0.7% level. We conclude that, within the formalism presented here, it is appropriate to use, with confidence, velocity measurements to characterize ice fabrics.
dc.publisherRoyal Society Publishing
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Chile
dc.subjectEffective medium
dc.subjectElastic wave propagation
dc.titlePropagation of elastic waves through textured polycrystals: application to ice
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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