dc.creatorMatamala, José Manuel
dc.creatorNúñez, Carolina
dc.creatorOgrodnik, Rosa
dc.creatorCartier Rovirosa, Luis
dc.identifierRev Med Cchile 2013; 141: 109-113
dc.description.abstractThe etiology of brain abscesses is mostly polymicrobial. Streptococci and anaerobic bacteria are the most commonly isolated pathogens. We report a previously healthy female without predisposing factors, presenting with a bifrontal cerebritis caused by a Streptococcus anginosus group infection. The patient developed a brain abscess and a subdural collection with severe intracranial hypertension of fatal evolution. The etiologic diagnosis was made culturing the material obtained from the subdural collection. It is presumed that, within the Streptococcus anginosus group, Streptococus intermedius could have been the causing bacteria, given its central nervous system tissue tropism and its predisposition to form brain abscesses.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.subjectBrain abscess
dc.titleCerebritis bifrontal y absceso cerebral por Streptococcus del grupo anginosus, en paciente previamente sano. Caso clínico
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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