Artículo de revista
Market orientation, knowledge-related resources and firm performance
2008-06Registro en:
Journal of Business Research, Volume 61, Issue 6, 2008, Pages 623-630
Olavarrieta Soto, Sergio
Friedmann, Roberto
Based upon new perspectives to explain superior business performance, an integrative conceptual model that links these different explanations
of superior performance is presented, highlighting the role of knowledge-related resources as key antecedents of the continuous creation of
competitive advantages (Day 1994, Day George S. The capabilities of market-driven organizations. J Mark 1994a, 58 [October]: 37–52., Day
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conducted with a Chilean sample of publicly traded firms, using structural equations modeling. The results show a significant impact of: market
orientation, market sensing and innovativeness (among other knowledge-related resources) on superior performance, thus providing support for
the original ideas of Drucker (1954) [Drucker Peter F. The practice of management. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1954.] and
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