dc.creatorReyes Guzmán, Nicolás Andrés
dc.creatorPizarro Lucero, José
dc.creatorFinger Camus, Ricardo
dc.creatorMena Mena, Fausto Patricio
dc.creatorBronfman Aguiló, Leonardo
dc.creatorZorzi Avendaño, Pablo Ignacio
dc.identifierJOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES Volume: 33 Issue: 12 Pages: 1203-1210 Published: DEC 2012
dc.identifierDOI: 10.1007/s10762-012-9942-6
dc.description.abstractIn this work we present a Q-band waveguide orthomode transducer (OMT) based on a dual ridge structure. It was designed to be used in astronomical projects were an excellent broad-band performance is mandatory. Of particular interest is the case of ALMA Band 1 (originally set at 31-45 GHz) project which will need several OMTs with outstanding performance and demonstrated manufacturability. By using a symmetrical structure, low cross-polar level and good input matching are achieved over a broad bandwidth (37 %). The proposed design incorporates an octagonal mode converter which allows the unit to be directly mated with the horn avoiding cross-polar issues at the interface. The OMT was designed to have a compact configuration and easiness of fabrication, both crucial features in projects where several units (up to 70) have to be constructed.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.subjectOrthomode transducer
dc.titleA Dual Ridge Broadband Orthomode Transducer for the 7-mm Band
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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