Artículo de revista
Cosmic in ation in a landscape of heavy-
2013Registro en:
Jcap 10 (2013) 051
Céspedes, Sebastian
Palma Quilodrán, Gonzalo
Heavy isocurvature elds may have a strong in
uence on the low energy dynamics
of curvature perturbations during in
ation, as long as the in
ationary trajectory becomes
non-geodesic in the multi- eld target space (the landscape). If elds orthogonal to the in
trajectory are su ciently heavy, one expects a reliable e ective eld theory describing
the low energy dynamics of curvature perturbations, with self-interactions determined by the
shape of the in
ationary trajectory. Previous work analyzing the role of heavy- elds during
ation have mostly focused in the e ects on curvature perturbations due to a single
heavy- eld. In this article we extend the results of these works by studying models of in-
ation in which curvature perturbations interact with two heavy- elds. We show that the
second heavy- eld (orthogonal to both tangent and normal directions of the in
ationary trajectory)
may signi cantly a ect the evolution of curvature modes. We compute the e ective
eld theory for the low energy curvature perturbations obtained by integrating out the two
heavy- elds and show that the presence of the second heavy- eld implies the existence of
additional self-interactions not accounted for in the single heavy- eld case. We conclude
that future observations will be able to constrain the number of heavy elds interacting with
curvature perturbations.