dc.creatorArellano Sepúlveda, Hugo
dc.creatorBrieva Rodríguez, Francisco
dc.creatorLove, W. G.
dc.creatorNakayama, K.
dc.identifierPHYSICAL REVIEW C VOLUME 43, NUMBER 4 APRIL 1991, Pp.1875-1880
dc.description.abstractThe sensitivity of proton-nucleus elastic scattering to different nucleon-nucleon effective interactions is studied within the framework of the nonrelativistic full-folding model. Calculations of the nucleon-nucleus optical potential are made using the free nucleon-nucleon t-matrices generated from the Bonn, Paris, Hamada-Johnston, and Melbourne nucleon-nucleon potentials, whose full off-shell behavior is treated explicitly. Applications are made to p + Ca elastic scattering at energies of 200, 300, and 400 MeV within the full-folding framework. Calculations using the on-shell tp model have been made for comparison. Both full-folding and tp results show comparable sensitivity to the particular choice of effective interaction, demonstrating the importance of a realistic description of the nucleon-nucleon interaction both on and off the energy shell.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.subjectelastic scattering
dc.titleComparison of nucleon-nucleon potential models in a full-folding description of elastic scattering
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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