dc.creatorVenegas Hermosilla, Juan
dc.creatorDíaz Cuevas, Laín
dc.creatorRojas, Tamara
dc.creatorMiranda, Sandra
dc.creatorJercic, M. I.
dc.creatorGonzález, Christian
dc.creatorCoñoepán, William
dc.creatorVargas, Álex
dc.creatorPichuantes, Sergio
dc.creatorGajardo Ramírez, Marta Kelly
dc.creatorRodríguez Borges, Jorge
dc.creatorSánchez, Gittith
dc.identifierActa Parasitologica, 2013, 58(2), 139–148
dc.identifierDOI: 10.2478/s11686-013-0123-0
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to investigate if there is specific host-parasite association in Chilean populations of Trypanosoma cruzi. For this purpose, two groups of parasites were analyzed, one from chronic chagasic patients, and the other from Triatoma infestans triatomines in three regions of the country. The first group consisted of four types of samples: parasites from peripheral blood of non-cardiopathic T. cruzi infected patients (NB); parasites from their corresponding xenodiagnosis (NX); parasites from peripheral blood of T. cruzi infected cardiopathic patients (CB) and parasites from their xenodiagnostics (CX). The T. infestans sample in turn was from three regions: III, V and M (Metropolitan). The genetic differentiation by the Fisher exact method, the lineage distribution of the samples, the molecular phylogeny and the frequency of multiclonality were analysed. The results show that not only are the groups of T. cruzi clones from Chagas disease patients and vectors genetically differentiated, but also all the sub-groups (NB, NX, CB and CX) from the III, V and M regions. The analysis of lineage distribution was concordant with the above results, because significant differences among the percentages of TcI, TcIII and hybrids (TcV or TcVI) were observed. The phylogenetic reconstruction with these Chilean T. cruzi samples was coherent with the above results because the four chagasic samples clustered together in a node with high bootstrap support, whereas the three triatomine samples (III, V and M) were located apart from that node. The topology of the tree including published T. cruzi clones and isolates was concordant with the known topology, which confirmed that the results presented here are correct and are not biased by experimental error. Taken together the results presented here are concordant with a specific host-parasite association between some Chilean T. cruzi populations.
dc.publisherStefan´ski Institute of Parasitology
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.subjectChagas disease
dc.titleMicrosatellite loci-based distribution of Trypanosoma cruzi genotypes from Chilean chronic Chagas disease patients and Triatoma infestans is concordant with a specific host-parasite association hypothesis
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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