dc.creatorJachero, Lourdes
dc.creatorSepúlveda, Betsabet
dc.creatorAhumada, Inés
dc.creatorFuentes Pérez, Edwar
dc.creatorRichter Duk, Pablo
dc.identifierAnal Bioanal Chem (2013) 405:7711–7716
dc.identifierDOI 10.1007/s00216-012-6679-y
dc.description.abstractA method of sample preparation based on use of rotating disk sorptive extraction (RDSE) has been developed for determination of triclosan (TCS) and methyltriclosan (MTCS) in water samples. The sorptive and desorptive behavior of the analytes was studied by use of a rotating disk coated with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) on one of its surfaces. Chemical and extraction behavior were studied to establish the best conditions for extraction. The optimum conditions for both analytes were: sample volume 25 mL, pH4.5, NaCl concentration 6 % (w/v), disk rotational velocity 1,250 rpm, and extraction time 80 min. A desorption time of 30 min was used with 5 mL methanol. The detection limits for TCS and MTCS were 46 and 34 ngL−1, respectively. Recovery was evaluated at two concentrations, 160 and 800 ngL−1, and the values obtained were between 80 and 100 %. The method was applied to analysis of influent water at two treatment plants in Santiago, Chile.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.subjectRotating disk sorptive extraction
dc.titleRotating disk sorptive extraction of triclosan and methyl-triclosan from water samples
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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