Artículo de revista
Effects of Environmental Factors and Cultural Practices on Bull’s Eye Rot of Pear
2008-03Registro en:
Plant Disease March 2008, 92 : 421-424.
Henríquez Sáez, José
Spotts, Robert A.
Sugar, David
Bull’s eye rot of pome fruits caused by Neofabraea spp. is characterized by infection occurring
in the orchard throughout the growing season whereas rot lesions develop during long-term
storage after harvest. Bull’s eye rot was observed on pear fruit exposed to natural infection for
any of six to nine sequential 1-to-2-week exposure periods during two growing seasons. Highest
infection levels were associated with exposure closest to harvest. Over-tree irrigation and late
harvest resulted in higher bull’s eye rot incidence than under-tree irrigation and early or midseason
harvest. Fruit were inoculated prior to harvest with Neofabraea perennans to determine
the effect of environmental factors on the development of bull’s eye rot. The effect of temperature
was inconsistent; disease was greatest at 10°C in one year of study but greatest at 30°C in
the second year. Bull’s eye rot developed independently of wetness durations longer than 0.5 h.