dc.description.abstract | Habitat loss is one of the most important causes of biodiversity loss in South American temperate rainforests, where
many endemic species exist. Among these is the monito del monte (Dromiciops gliroides), an arboreal marsupial with
restricted distribution, and the only extant species of the order Microbiotheria. Current knowledge about monito del
monte habitat use and its responses to human disturbances is scarce. To help fill this gap we investigated its habitat use
and selection patterns in a fragmented landscape in southern Chile. Monito del monte individuals were abundant in a
large and a small fragment, but rare or undetected in forest strips. Using telemetry data from 12 neighboring
individuals in a large fragment and 2 individuals in a small fragment, we estimated their mean home range size
of 1.6 ha70.6 (1SD). Monitos del monte had a spatial overlap among individuals of 5074%. Tracked individuals
used old- and second-growth habitats as available, did not use the prairie habitats, and strongly avoided the
scrublands. In the large fragment we estimated a relative population density of 2175 individuals/ha (mean71SD),
whereas in the small fragment it was of 1976 individuals/ha. This is, to our knowledge, the first study of the spatial
ecology of the monito del monte based on telemetry data, and evidence presented here could have conservation and
planning implications, not only for the target species but also its habitat | |