La medición de la precariedad laboral y su impacto en la salud mental de los trabajadores asalariados : revisión sistemática 2007- 2018
Rodríguez Jaramillo, Nataly
Introduction: In recent years, neoliberal economic policies have been implemented around the world with flexibilization of labor relations and the development of jobs in precarious conditions that can affect mental health. Precarious employment can be measured in a one-dimensional or multidimensional way, according to the number of dimensions to be studied. Objective: Identify and summarize the measurement of precarious employment and its impact on the mental health of salaried workers in studies published between 2007 - 2018.Methodology: Systematic review of the literature of observational - empirical studies available in scientific databases Embase, Scopus and PubMed, from any country of origin, available in complete text, English or Spanish, published between 2007 and 2018. The quality of the studies was evaluated according to the STROBE guidelines for observational studies and SRQR for the qualitative ones.
Results: Of 296 studies obtained, 18 satisfied the inclusion criteria, 11 were performed in Europe, nine of them had transversal design, six longitudinal and three qualitative. In 11 studies, precarious employment was measured in a one-dimensional way, nine with a dimension of temporality and two with insecurity; seven were measured in a multidimensional way with the Employment Precariousness Scale (EPRES) and categories of interview analysis, in the qualitative ones. Mental health was measured mainly with the SF-36 (n = 4) and GHQ-12 (n = 3).Discussion: From the included studies we concluded that youth, women, low educated, and immigrants are more vulnerable to have high precariousness. On the other hand, precarious workers have higher probabilities to present mental health problems such as depression, anguish, stress and suicidal ideas compared to non-precarious workers.