Diagnóstico y propuesta de negocio para el cultivo de mora orgánica en el municipio de El Colegio “Municipio Saludable y Polo de Desarrollo Local”
Parra Castañeda, Katherine Lorena
Burgos Maldonado, Gina
Castro Castro, Jorge
The project called "Municipio Saludable- Polo de Desarrollo Local" is an agreement between Universidad Del Rosario and Gobernacion de Cundinamarca, in which for two years some students have contributed their knowledge to create strategies and alternatives applicable to economic development and social for the municipality called "El Colegio". Through this project there is a need to give continuity to the approaches of development strategies and alternatives for the economic sector of the Municipality, in order that the proposals are viable and sustainable. In this case of the present research, the analysis, the approaches and the strategies are focused on agricultural sector as an object of study the blackberry corps in “La inspeccion de Victoria”.
This process identified three major themes in order to identify the possibilities of converting the cultivation of “mora castilla” in organic crops. These 3 themes are: Characterization of “Inspección de la Victoria”, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), organic markets and finally the new Strategic Plan. The main objective of splitting into three phases the study was first to acquire accurate information on the current situation of “La Victoria” in relation to crops of blackberry. Second, during the investigation it was found that there was a transition between the transformation of traditional crops to organic crops, which was to be seen in order to analyze its applicability in blackberry crops in “la Victoria”, this process of transition is called "good agricultural practices". The third and last issue is the final phase in which the crop grows into an organic crop, for this point it is necessary to analyze what are the advantages and disadvantages associated with implementation and certification processes relevant to making a proper marketing.
Finally, having completed the three phases of the study, a number of recommendations and strategies arising, which lead to the proper implementation of the transformation proposal, one of the most important is that it is essential to carry out the whole process of transition of blackberry corps to blackberry organic corps to ensure proper performance of the new crop, cost management and product quality. From this, in the long run be able to compete on the market of organic farming and to offer a value-added product, all the above with an additional goal of conquering foreign markets and achieving compliance with international standards and meet a demand has not been addressed.