Reciclaje de residuos sólidos domésticos y conductas pro-ambientales en una comunidad residencial de Bogotá, Colombia
Reales Del Real, Lady
Introduction: The social implication within the environmental problematic establishes a causal relation between habits and environmental impacts; aspects of human behavior such as convenience, familiarity, social pressure and attitude, allow us to make a rapprochement about the decision to recycle or not in a household.
Objective: To identify environmental factors associated with household waste management among members of a residential community in the city of Bogotá.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out involving 200 people from a residential community. The evaluation of pro-environmental behavior was carried out through the use of the Pro-environmental Behavior Scale developed by Corral-Verdugo, attached to the Sidique Recycling Scale. For statistical treatment, multiple linear regression analysis was used.
Results: The majority of the respondents were men (55%), more than half had at least undergraduate training (53%), more than half had a job at the time of the interview (55.5%), near the 50% of the people own house and the median of the size of the same was of 80 m2, the median of the age was of 37.5 years. Of sociodemographic aspects, type of housing, sex and age; were related to environmental factors for recycling. While the pro-environmental behaviors that had some relation with pro-recycling variables were: altruism, frugality, general ecological behavior, indignation and appreciation for nature.
Conclusions: Altruistic behaviors, Frugal behaviors, Pro-ecological behaviors, Indignation and Appreciation for the natural; are related to the intention to recycle; In terms of convenience, social pressure, familiarity and attitude; explaining between 8.6% and 29.4% of the variance of the four (4) aspects mentioned above.