El sistema federal y la consolidación del gamonalismo
Valencia Llano, Alonso
In this article are shown the practices that distortion the exercise of the políti ca / activit y in Colombia. The 'caudiffos', 'gamonales' and 'caciques', in the fact of the absence of strong parties that facilitate the democratic partici pation, are who of fer the electoral caudal that legitimates the control of the represen tation and power control organs. The persistence of política/ practices, that come from the colonial time and that the long process of repub/ican construc tíon was not able to eradicate, seems to be streng since that years. The historical search shows throught the following biographical de velop ment of a 'gamonal caucano' of the XIX Century, Juan Evangelista Conde, that the excluding control of the power, the we a k n e ss of the pa rtie s, the 'c/ie ntelismo', the corruption, the 'trasteo' of votes, the po/itica f violence, the mobilizations of armed men and the 'parami/itarismo' are not new prob ferns, but rather thev have a long his torv that is associated to the form in that the 'heroes'of the XIX Century bui/t the Colombian State.