Didáctica del Docente de Educación Física para la Promoción de la Actividad Física
Peñuela Loaiza, Claudia Andrea
Problem: Health and education are two pillars of society, and are many areas in which both benefit, for this study i saw the need to observe how in the school and specifically the physical education class, benefit health. This study detailed the teaching-learning processes aplaying different ways of physical education’s teachers teach and their tactics used to motivate the students to practice physical activity during and outside the class in Bogota city.
Methodology: This is a qualitative, interpretative study, where i collected the information through semi-structured interviews, free association of words and on site observations of physical education classes in 10 public and private school of Bogota city. Approval and respective premises was given for the participating schools, additionally with the signed teacher’s informed consent. The data analysis was done through a theoretical sheet in Excel, where i crossed the different categories and different instrument’s information.
Results: The obtained results in this study were remarkable, because traditional didactics (teaching styles) applied by teachers in the classroom, restrict the practice of physical activity and don’t motivate the students to do it outside the schools, While those didactics participatives and creative styles are motivating for students who do more physical activity within classes and allow students to participate in their own learning, unfortunately this teaching are restricted to only moments in class, for different reasons like, discipline, amount of students in the class and fear of injuries among others; Teachers do not use them.
Conclusions: It is evident that as long as teacher’s didactics continue being traditional, does not motivate practice physical activity in students. Teachers do not fully recognize their role as health promoters within the school, therefore these types of issues are less important for them. Governmental health networks and their health programs do not work together with pedagogical processes’s actors (teachers) and they are limited to show campaigns inside the schools, therefore there is an evident rupture of the work in networks which would facilitate the work of health in school.