Comentarios a la observación general No. 1 del Comité de Trabajadores Migrantes
Palacios-Sanabria, Maria-Teresa
In this reflexive article an analysis of the role of Committee on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, as a conventional mechanism in these people guarantees revindication is done.
At the same time the importance of the n°1 General Comment (GC) of this committee is discussed with the purpose of its examination, to determine if the say so GC contributes or not to a progressive development of the rights
of migrant workers and their families. The investigation was dogmatic and qualitative and concludes that; despite
the activity of the committee regards to the interpretation of the CMW is incipient, the GC as matter of study gives evidence of interesting contributions. Nevertheless, the discussion of the great amount of subject matters
that surround this reality is a challenge for the committee as so it is to take a decisive posture before the different States in benefit of the rights of migrant workers.