¿Régimen del terror o aceptación pasiva?: cultura política nicaragüense durante el régimen de los Somoza (1936 – 1979)
Duarte Leal, Diego Fernando
This paper explains the Nicaraguan political culture´s incidence in the maintenance of Somoza´s regime (1936 – 1979). The political culture´s incidence would be analyze through the cognitive, affective and evaluative orientations of the population, which were fundamental for the duration and relative stability of the regime. The Somoza´s regime would be understand as a Traditional Authoritarian Regime. Also according to Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba´s postulates it would be identify the core elements of the Nicaraguan political culture. Finally, it would be explain how political culture took influence in the regime´s passive acceptation of the population, the use of terror as tool of stabilization and the absence of a democratic citizenship identity.