Caracterización de los pacientes con síndrome cardiorrenal tipo I y II en diálisis peritoneal en un centro de diálisis en Bogotá
Pineda Ramirez, Roberto
Castro Iregui, Margarita
Introduction: The ICC that impairs renal function is called SCR. PD is an alternative that has an impact on cardiac function, hospitalization, symptoms and even mortality 3-5. Objective: To describe the behavior of residual renal function and mortality in patients with type I and II cardiorenal syndrome in peritoneal dialysis at a Bogotá dialysis center between 2013 and 2016. Methodology: A retrospective cohort study was performed. Adult patients with SCR I and II who entered the center for PD from 08/08/2013 to 08/18/16 were included, with follow-up to each patient until 07/31/16. Clinical demographic and renal function variables were assessed at the beginning and end of PD, as well as mortality at the end of treatment. The data were extracted from the clinical records of the Renir and Versia RTS system. Statistical analysis was performed using STATA® version 12. 0. The rate of change in residual renal function was estimated from the regression coefficient of a linear model. The mortality rate was assessed using the Kaplan Meier method. Results: Sixteen patients, aged 71 years ± 10. 94, 10. 9 months on dialysis and ejection fraction of 29% ± 12. 7 were evaluated. A FRR decrease rate of 0. 75 ml / min / 1. 73 m2 per c / 1. 46 months was obtained. The mortality rate per year was 41. 61%. One-year survival was 68%. The main cause of death was AMI