De Bill Clinton a George W. Bush: Dos estilos de liderazgo en política exterior
De Bill Clinton a George W. Bush: Dos estilos de liderazgo en política exterior
Sanchez David, Ruben
The predominant model of US foreign polic y, and the role pla yed by the White House constitutes the opening remarks of this article. The influen ce of the presidential style far American Foreign Policy design is evalua ted as we!I as tapies such as economic leadership and its relation to foreign polic y. Fo!lowing Samuel Berger, the author enumerates the guiding principies to Clinton's foreign policy, highlighting issues such as global a!liance, peace and security, conf fict, new threats and economic integration. The author then studies the tendencies of Bush's administra tion foreign policies, bystud ying those developed during the first months of his administration, focusing particular/ y in the princi pie of 'America First'. Final/ y he mentions the policies developed by the US Covernment regarding environmental issues, international organisations, Iraq, stra tegic armament and the Middle East. He concludes wíth sorne compara tíve considerations.