La perdurabilidad del sector estratégico de empaques de polietileno de baja densidad en la localidad de los Mártires de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
Rico Sierra, Rafael
The purpose of this paper is to identify the major organizational practices regarding the administration and management used by companies engaged in the manufacture and the marketing of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) packaging applications, situated in the Martyrs, the locality number 14 of Capital District of Bogota. The development of these practices let them to remain on the market over more than a decade, which has been successful in the midst of adverse circumstances. The work is based on reflections on the scope, methods, and all other aspects characterizing the application of the Study of the Conditions that promote Perdurability (SCP), the result of research project developed by the Research Equipment for Perdurability of Organizations (REPO) of the Universidad del Rosario , whose innovative methodology is considered as an important parameter for future research, both in the academic field and consultancy service on the behavior of organizations and their own dynamics of change.The work presents, initially, the concepts constituting the proposal of the SCP, the LDPE production chain sector context, the specificities of the locality in which they are situated, and the characteristics of small and mean business in Bogotá, in order to establish their more significant features, including date information, and that way study the other components afterwards, providing evidence of their own conditions of perdurability.Finally, some organizational practices concerning small and mean business are determined, taking into account the business environment in the country"s capital city over the last years. We conclude that these companies levels of perdurability constitute an emergence of features and complex processes of the business system considered as a whole, not reducible to the features and processes of individual business.