Hiperautofluorescencia foveal como factor predictor de recuperación visual en pacientes con desprendimiento regmatógeno de retina
Brieke, Anne Charlotte
Tovar Cuevas, José Rafael
Introduction: photoreceptor damage, reflected in ellipsoid and external limiting membrane (ELM) layer disruption, is one of the causes of poor visual recovery after successful rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. A correlation between foveal hyperautofluorescence, integrity of ellipsoid and ELM layers and better visual recovery has been demonstrated in other pathologies.
Purpose: to evaluate the association between foveal hyperautofluorescence, the integrity of ellipsoid layer and visual recovery in patients treated successfully for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) and inter evaluator concordance for these exams.
Methods: cross-sectional study in which 65 patients with RRD were evaluated by 3 different evaluators with macular spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and foveal autofluorescence. Inter evaluator concordance was studied with Cohen´s Kappa and the association between variables was studies with Chi square and Z test for proportions comparison.
Results: the concordance for fundus autofluorescence was fair, and good to very good for SD-OCT. People who had foveal hyperfluorescence associated with ellipsoid layer integrity had 20% more chance to have a final visual acuity ≥ 20/50, compared with those who had note.
Conclusion: there is a clinically relevant association between foveal hyperautofluorescence, ellipsoid layer integrity and better visual results, however this is not statistically significant (p=0.39)