Estrategias de las redes transnacionales de defensa. El caso del pueblo indígena Mapuche frente a la contrucción hidroeléctrica Ralco en Chile (1996 - 2000)
Toro Pardo, Natalie
This paper deals with a specific type of transnational networks: networks of activists who advocate a cause beyond state borders. To address the issue, the paper focuses on the analysis of a specific case: the networks constituted a transnational level to make visible in the international arena the issue of indigenous Mapuche in Chile, against the construction of a hydroelectric plant in territory, by a Spanish multinational company (Endesa). The monograph will place special emphasis on the strategies used between 1996 and 2000 by the Council of All Lands (an organization that defends the Mapuche cause) to make claims of indigenous transcend local-national level.