La construcción de sentido (‘sensemaking’) de un entorno estratégico turbulento por parte de los altos directivos: un estudio en una multinacional automotriz
Gamba Ramírez, Jodie Katharine
Sanabria, Mauricio
This article presents the results of a research carried out in two contexts. On the one hand, the theorist, in the framework of one of the most relevant discourses in the fields of organizational strategy, managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) and, in general, organizational studies: construction Of sensemaking. On the other, the empirical one, in one of the big multinational companies of the automotive sector with global presence. This corporation faces a permanent tension between what the parent company dictates, in relation to the fulfillment of specific goals and standards, considering the whole world, and the challenges that, taking into account the regional and the local, experience the senior managers in charge of To make the company prosper in these places. The implemented approach was qualitative. This in view of the nature of the problem addressed and the tradition of the field. The results allow us to broaden the current level of understanding about senior management sensemaking processes in the face of a turbulent strategic environment