Caracterización de la cultura organizacional y lineamientos de intervención para la implementación de procesos de cambio en las organizaciones. Caso empresa sector financiero
Montaña Rey, Angie Paola
Torres Reyes, Germán Alonso
This degree work seeks to characterize the Organizational Culture of a financial company in Colombia and outlining action guidelines for Organizational Change according to the strategy of sustainability established by the company board. To this end, a thorough review and update of the state of the art of key concepts ¨Organizational Culture¨ and ¨Change Processes¨ is conducted. It is noteworthy that the first concept takes as its starting point the state of art on Organizational Culture done previously by Professor Carlos Eduardo Mendez Alvarez, whose framework extends from the origins of the concept in the nineteenth century until 2006. After a thorough review of the existing models of Organizational Change and the reality of the organization under study, the authors decided to adopt the ADKAR model consisting on five components: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement. From building a solid theoretical foundation and through the application of the Methodology to describe the Organizational Culture in Colombia MEDECO it is intended to achieve an approach to the Organizational Culture of the organization under study in order to describe and identify the predominant features of its Organizational Culture and deliver a final proposal with the necessary features that enable successful completion of the process of change.