Dinámicas de externalización entre las ONG locales y las ONG extranjeras (terceros actores) presentes en Egipto: 2004-2009 (TERCEROS ACTORES) PRESENTES EN EGIPTO: 2004-2009
Gómez Moyano, Laura Juliana
The purpose of this work is to evaluate the role of international NGOs in the opening of new scenarios for political participation for the Egyptian civil society. Hence, it analyzes the context of local and transnational political opportunity structure, and how local and international politics on the issue are articulated, considering the levels of integration between its actors. This qualitative study is based on the developments on collective action theories by Sidney Tarrow, Charles Tilly, Robert Benford and David Snow, and the development on transnational advocacy networks by Margaret Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, in order to identify the externalization process as source of empowerment of local civil society organizations as an alternative for political opposition.