Bienes de titularidad pública: Patrimoniales y de dominio público. Una aproximación al sistema español
State´s Goods: Patrimonial Goods and Public DomainGoods. An Asses to Spanish legal system;
Bens de titularidade pública: patrimoniais e de domínio público. Uma aproximação ao sistema espanhol
Van-Strahlen-Fajardo, Luís
This is a precise asses to the legal system of State's goods in Spain, parting from the traditional distinction between public domain goods and patrimonial or private State goods, taking into account the ambiguous frontier that splits public and private law apart. There is a specific description of the legal ways and techniques for acquisition, granting, transfer, purchase and protection of patrimonial goods, as well as a brief observation about a particular specie of these, that constitute the so called enterprise patrimony.