Efecto de los comportamientos de liderazgo sobre el nivel de resiliencia de los colaboradores en una universidad privada en Bogotá
Barbosa-Ramirez, David-Hernando
The purpose of this study was to observe whether managers’ leadership styles of a private university in Bogotá are related with the level of resilience of employees, considering their demographic characteristics. For this, the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire [MLQ], the spanish version of the Resilience Scale Heilemann, Wagnild and developed by Young (1993), and a socio-demographic questionnaire, was applied to 680 academic and administrative workers belonging to a university in Bogota. The results showed that the perception of leadership style by subordinates is not significantly related to their level of resilience, which highlights the importance of studying whether Resilience should be understood more as a feature or as a state. Moreover, analysis of the difference between groups showed that the styles of transformational and transactional leadership engaged the middle and upper resilience level. Sociodemographic variables are related to leadership styles, then leadership is an interactional process that depends of the manager’s opinion about his subordinated. The analyzes support the conclusion that the combination of high transformational and transactional leadership style with low levels of Passive / Avoider style improved organizational performance measured in high levels of extra effort, effectiveness and satisfaction. Other studies that include measurements of styles by employees and the directors are necessary, these studies should incorporate instruments that measure resilience like a trait and resilience like a status. These studies should include different cultures and similar cultures, within a sector and within different sectors to determine the potential impact of culture in the relationship between leadership styles and the subordinates’ resilience level. A research that evaluates the relationship between leadership styles and all psychological capital variables is necessary to identify how those styles affect the development of psychological resources of workers, and how this relationship impacts the organizational performance.