Retos en la implementación de las normas internacionales al interior de los estados. estudio de caso: la región del Mekong y el protocolo de Palermo contra la trata de personas. (2007-2014)
Noriega Serrano, Natalia
The main purpose of this case study is to analyze how the sociopolitical characteristics of the Mekong states, specifically Cambodia and Myanmar, hinder the implementation of the rules set out in the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, also known as the Palermo Protocol. In this regard, some of the main features of the Protocol and the way trafficking occurs in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region are exposed to analyze how corruption, impunity and gender inequality represent socio-political challenges that obstruct the implementation of the international mandates enshrined in this instrument.