ECO Sensaciones. Ecosistema del humedal Tibabúyes: valoración cultural para el patrimonio natural.
Lozano Pontón, Catalina
Brausin Pulido, Dora
Rodríguez Gaviria, Camila
The main objective of this proposal is to design a management project to raises the awareness of the Ciudadela Colsubsidio community with respect to the Tibabúyes wetland, promoting the appreciation and sustainability of this ecosystem, the largest one of the city, and which is essential for the preservation of the water cycle.
The project considers the development of strategies that stimulate the community’s sensory system in order to create transformations in the interaction processes currently in place and to make their sustainability viable.
Eco Sensaciones, is a metaphor pertaining to the outcome of a set of stimulus applied on the persons’ sensory system, and which for the effects of the project, relates to the strategies that will be developed from the emotions, conceived from the Ecosophy concept. This concept refers to a philosophical principle that suggests the need of transforming the interaction processes between humans and nature, so as to activate and motivate the ownership of the ecosystem on behalf of the community.
It considers main activities such as the development of a replica of the wetland known as “Portable Tibabúyes” and of tours across the “Silent Tibabúyes” ecosystem; these activities will be evaluated in all of their stages.