Asma ocupacional en peluquería : una revisión de la literatura
Perez Doria, Holguer Camilo
Parada Báez, Angélica Paola
Sanchez Gilede, Andrea Carolina
This article aims to review the existing literature on occupational asthma secondary to exposure to the risk factors identified in hairdressing. A systematic search of the databases PubMed and Cochrane was performed, identifying articles of indexed journals using keywords "occupational Asthma, hairdressers, hairdresser, work related asthma" was performed. Applying the criteria specified, 26 articles were included, mainly there were case reports, studies of prevalence and incidence, reviews and cross-sectional, abording topics like epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and prevention. They were grouped according to PRISMA methodology for comparison. We conclude that despite the importance of this disease in the hairdressing sector there are associated factors such as the lack of stable Jobs on the sector, lack of original research studies Cohort or the lack of a clear diagnosis protocol in this type of workers, limiting conclusive data about it. However, most authors concluded the relationship between pathology and work of hairdresser and missing clarify the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with allergens identified.