La autoría mediata en el asesinato del obispo Enrique Angelelli de La Rioja, perpetrado por el terrorismo de Estado en Argentina
The Notion of Indirect Perpetration in the Case concerning the Murder of La Rioja Bishop Enrique Angelelli by State Terrorism in Argentina;
A autoria mediata no assassinato do bispo Enrique Angelelli da Rioja, perpetrado pelo terrorismo de estado na Argentina
Lascano, Carlos Julio
This article analyzes the application of Roxin’s theory on indirect perpetrationthrough organized structures of power to the case of the murder of Bishop of LaRioja (Argentine), Enrique Angelelli. This crime took place in 1976 as part of a practiceof state terrorism in the context of a systematic plan of annihilation of opponentsto the military regime. The uniqueness of the case lies on the use of a simulation of acar accident to conceal the crime.