| bachelorThesis
Entre botas y sotanas : un análisis de las relaciones entre los regímenes fascistas de Italía, Alemania y España con la Iglesia Católica a partir de la teoría de la secularización
Aguirre Espinel, Johnny
Modern Western societies embrace in their midst the separation of the public sphere and religion, framed within a secular vision of the world giving importance to the separation State-Church, as well as tendency of independence and tune-up of the different social subsystems against religion , such as economy, culture, education, etc. During the twentieth century democracy went into crisis, giving way to fascist regimes that enter into a constant and cooperative relationship with religion, mainly with the Catholic Church. This relationship between the fascist regimes of Italy, Germany and Spain and the Catholic Church were mediated within a logic of secularization, which in certain cases was radical and constantly threatened with the elimination of religion and its institutions. A relationship framed in a dynamic of political convenience in rejection of a secular vision of politics and society.