| bachelorThesis
Analisis Estructural del Sector Estrategico de plasticos
Gómez Cárdenas, Diana Carolina
The structural analysis of strategic sectors (AESE) is a methodology that facilitates a better perception of the environment, based on four tools proposed by Restrepo and Rivera, which consist initially of an analysis called crowding, followed by an study of the competitive landscape, continuing with an analysis of the competitive forces based on the M. Porter’s theory, and ending with an study of competitors. This work is supported by the previous methodology, assessing the strategic sector of plastic, obtaining both qualitative and quantitative information, reflecting on it and proposing some recommendations for improvement. To introduce the reader with the plastic industry, the research began with a brief description of the historical background of the plastic market, the principals companies that are involved in this market. Additionally, as part of the methodology, there is an identification of the strategic sector which was carried out looking for the companies with the same set of characteristics of marketing mix. This work included a research process in which it was necessary to search for information through academic and business consulting databases in the city of Bogotá (Colombia). As a result, the analysis allowed a broader understanding of the sector, explaining the environment that surrounds it and the companies that comprise it.