La influencia de León Duguit en la reforma social de 1936 en Colombia: El sistema jurídico, la función social de la propiedad y la teoría de los servicios públicos
Mercado Gazabón, Ana Carolina
The document shows the solid influence of the doctrinal current of the French teacher León Duguit (1859 - 1928), in the constitutional Colombian reform of 1936, from three perspectives: The juridical system, the social function of the property and the public services. For the first third of the 20th century, in Colombia, as it was happening in North America and the European countries that were channelling our juridical tradition, the individualistic theses on the model of State and the right, they had aged, and there were appearing new interpretations of the juridical commanding system and of the government bond in the company, in Colombia, the Frenchman, León Duguit would help in a decisive way, though not exclusive, such a process.