Works councils: an agency perspective
Gallego, Juan M.
This paper investigates the role of works councils in a simple agency framework
in which works councils are supposed to monitor manager’s information
on behalf of the workforce, but they are independent agents who might pursue
their private interest. First, we consider that workers can incentivize
works councils through contingent monetary payments. In order to deter collusion,
workers must pay higher compensations in states of nature where they
can be expropriated by potential coalitions among works councils and management.
Collusion makes contingent payments costly and reduces workers’
payoffs. Second, when elections are the exclusive mechanisms to align works
councils’ interest, only well compensated representatives would face an intertemporal
tradeoff between accepting management’s transfers at first period
and losing rents at the second period. Elections increase the cost of entering
on collusive behavior with management and works councils will try to behave
on the employees’ interest.