Exposición a asbesto: efectos en la salud y legislación sobre su uso
Quesada Zarate, Mario Fernando
Perdomo Aldana, Juan Carlos
Technological development is essential for all nations. Part of this development involves the use of a natural mineral element called asbestos or asbestos, of fibrous characteristics whose applications have been incorporated in different sectors such as construction, petrochemical industries, nuclear, automotive use Naval and in the railroads, among others. Asbestos is a carcinogen and specifically chrysotile it is the mineral responsible for half of the deaths from occupational cancer.
Objective: To identify the legislation related to the use of asbestos in the work environment and to determine the effects on health.
Materials and methods: a review of the information was carried out, using the Pubmed, Google med line, Scielo and Elsevier databases, in the Spanish, Portuguese and Spanish language, where the subject of asbestos, diseases derived from Such as exposure to and exposure to asbestos in occupational settings, has abundant evidence of connection with cancer cancers; In addition, existing legal enactments have been observed, whether in the prohibition of regulation in the international arena that brings together more than 50 countries, and are facing the current legislation of Colombia, due to the serious problems of the health and welfare system of The human beings that this mineral constitutes
Conclusion: it is necessary to update the legislation at the national level and to implement legal supports that are closer to reality in order to protect the population from exposure to asbestos fibers.