Terapia de exposición de realidad virtual para el miedo y la fobia a conducir: una revisión de la literatura
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Fear and Driving Phobia: A Literature Review;
Terapia por meio de exposição à realidade virtual para medo e fobia de dirigir: uma revisão da literatura
Bender Haydu, Verônica
Zacarin, Marcela
dos Santos, Andressa
Borloti, Elizeu
Fornazari, Sílvia Aparecida
Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) is an increasing method of intervention for specific phobias, and can be part of psychotherapy for fear and driving phobia. This review examined the research methods on VRET for fear and driving phobia. The databases Web of Science, PubMed, Medline PsycNet - APA, SciELO, PePsi and IEEE Xplore Digital Library were consulted, regarding the period of January 2000 and October 2014. The search terms were: virtual reality exposure therapy, virtual reality, driving phobia, and driving fear. Searches yielded 1876 articles, and of these, eight articles met de inclusion criteria. Assessments before, during and after the intervention were applied in all studies, except in one of them. Scenarios hierarchies were applied, starting with the less complex, which caused less anxiety, until reaching the most complex ones, which generated more difficulty of coping. The therapeutic procedures were briefly described with an insufficient number of data for systematic replication. This allows emphasize the need for future research that report detailed therapeutic procedures.