Impacto económico del sector cerámico en San José de Cúcuta (Colombia)
Economic Impact of the Ceramic Sector on San Jose de Cucuta (Colombia);
Impacto económico do setor cerâmico em San José de Cúcuta (Colômbia)
Mogrovejo Andrade, Johanna Milena
Bastos Osorio, Liliana
Antuny Pabón, Jhon
The purpose of this research was to establish the economic impact of the companies in the ceramic industry in the city of San José de Cúcuta (Colombia) in the period 2008-2011. A structured questionnaire was used as an instrument and applied to the sector. Executives of sectorial organizations were also interviewed. The economic impact was analyzed according to the methodology proposed by Soto and Bergoeing (1998), Arbelaez and Sandoval (2006) and Molina, Coronado and Rivera (2008). It was concluded that there had been considerable economic impact in this sector in the analyzed period, especially in the employment level, the contribution of municipal taxes, the intermediate consumption, and the added value.