El dilema de la política exterior de la España nacionalista hacia la Alemania nazi: una estrategia de cooperación militar y de diplomacia secreta (1936 - 1945)
Cruz Camacho, María
The interest of this case of study is to explain in which way the Spain of Francisco Franco manages to articulate in its Foreign Policy two important strategies, military cooperation and secret diplomacy, toward the Germany of Adolf Hitler until the end of the Second World War in 1945. More features of this Foreign Policy are identified, as far as known the most important aspects of this Spanish-German bilateral relationship, in order to explain how the articulation of this two strategic positions allowed the Caudillo to achieve his political objectives and, at the same time, emerge unscathed from this War. Thus, the Realism theoretical perspective from International Relation identifies the most relevant variables of Foreign Policy of Spain toward Germany as far as Franco is defining its National Interest.