¿Y educar para qué? Representaciones mediáticas de narcocultura en los modelos del progreso económico y prestigio social
Education for What? Media Representation of Narcoculture in Models of Economic Progress and Social Prestige;
E educar para que? Impactos das representações mediáticas da narcocultura na orientação dos modelos do progresso econômico e o prestigio social
Wilches Tinjacá, Jaime
The article proposes a discussion of the limitations of educational models to account for the realities faced by students in areas where drugtrafficking has gone from being an illegal business to a risky life style, while being considered legitimate for survival and in order to achieve social recognition (narcoculture). The problem, however, is even more complex: the modus operandi of the narcoculture has been successful in positioning its stories in private television networks. In turn, these networks normalize the idea of becoming someone in life as something that can be achieved without spending years of efforts in a (distant and alien to society) school. In this regard, the article draws attention to the urgent need to rebuild some of the assumptions on which education is based and how it should motivate students to see school as a means to form citizens, not as an end to desperately look for economic progress and social prestige.