| bachelorThesis
El perfil criminal del asesino en serie colombiano desde la perspectiva psicodinámica. Una revisión de literatura
López Ovalle, Lizeth Paola
The aim of this research is to describe the characteristics of a serial murderer and a corresponding approach to create an approximation of the corresponding personality profile of a Colombian serial killer from the psychodynamic perspective. In this regard, the revised theoretical approach used throughout this paper is mainly based on a conception about serial murderers. In addition there is a review of the social factors surrounding the serial killer, simultaneously exploring three psychodynamic theories (Freud, Klein and Erickson). Finally, a casuistry comparison of four serial killers is made, from the psychodynamic approach. Moreover, at the methodological level, the type of study performed is a qualitative descriptive and non-experimental design, based on a review of literature. As the product is intended to approximate corresponding personality profile of a serial murderer in Colombia by psychodynamic theories.