Análisis de 6 objetivos de desarrollo del milenio a través de las encuestas nacionales de demografía y salud 1990-2010
Lagos Ruiz, Magda Joana
Beltrán Herrera, Maria
Duarte García, Ángela Paola
Introduction: Overview of trends in selected indicators of National Demographic and Health Survey (ENDS) considered important for measuring the extent of the first 6 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Methods: Descriptive retrospective analysis of 18 health indicators, for availability ENDS data from 1990 to 2010. Analysis with descriptive statistical and mathematical model to determine exponential growth projection to 2015.
Results: MDG1, wealth quintile "lower" in 18.4% of the population and the 2015 projection is 19.6% global malnutrition has decreased; MDG2, school attendance rate has increased (2010, 94%), MDG3, occupation women in agriculture has declined in recent 20 years (2010, 4.6%) and increased other activities that required more education, the different types of violence against women presented a similar trends; MDG4, since 1995 has reduced child mortality and had increased vaccination coverage since 2000, MDG5, midwifery by care "professional" increased to 92.7% in 2010, increased knowledge of contraceptive methods; MDG6 increased condom use and increased knowledge of methods to avoid HIV.
Discussion: Progress on the MDGs 2, 3, 4 and 5, which go hand in hand with strategies proposed for meeting the MDGs, with great impact on reduction of malnutrition and mortality in children under 5 years, improved prenatal / postnatal. Some goals based on trends and will not be achieved MDG1 indicator which shows that the number of people in poverty could rise.