Policía exitosa, policía indolente: nuevas tendencias en seguridad ciudadana
Policía exitosa, policía indolente: nuevas tendencias en seguridad ciudana
Ruiz-Vásquez, Juan Carlos
The author presents a compared stud y of the most recent world wid e strate gies in interna! security. Those strate gies fook to create associative and co operative finks among the po/ice, the community and other entities of the State. The fundamenta! debate at the end of the XXth century related with the po/ice role of being more preven tive ar repressive has been replaced far the discussion on a police rol based on the so/idarit y and deterrence to di mínísh insecurity feelings. These strategies generall y go beyond the supposed communitarian partici pation or the simple adoption of com munitarian police models. Sorne coun tries ha ve /ook ed to ge ne rate the community a ct again st the d elin quency. In other countries the intention has been to efiminate the roots of the social problems whích have been the aba11tfo11 fieltf whe re the d e fin quency grows. In all of the strategies the police is an other player among social and govern mental actors. In conclusion the most re ce nt interna! securit y tend encies seek to make the individual securit y the priorit y. The police focus on pub fic arder has diminíshed, and today its primar y concern is the individual security. The objective ís to reduce the insecurity feelings, which are consequences of non-civic behaviours and minar de linquency. Besid es these strate gies transformations to reduce the insecu rity, another goal has been the po fice men modernisation adopting prívate sector characteristics.