Preoxigenacion con volumen corriente y capacidad vital en voluntarios sanos a 2600 metros
2011Registro en:
TEME 0046 2011
Mendieta Gomez, Johanna Lucia
In the literature there are described various techniques of preoxygenation, applied to different patients, performed with different flows or different inspired fractions of oxygen, but no studies were found above 1000 meters above sea level. The present study describes the pattern of oxygen saturation 100% obtaining fractional exhaled oxygen (EtO2) =90%, and oxygen saturation (SaO2) >99% and the pattern of normalization of oxygen saturation to 21% with four standard techniques of preoxygenation in healthy volunteers belonging to the Fundación Cardio Infantil at 2600 meters above sea level.
Materials and methods: Quasi-experimental study in healthy adult volunteers belonging to the Fundación Cardio Infantil, are subject to making oxygen saturation levels and who are applying preoxygenation with 100% oxygen flow 10Lt/min, to seal facial mask harness, is performed simultaneous measurement of fractional exhaled oxygen (EtO2) and pulse oximetry (SaO2) every 15 seconds with each of the four tests of preoxygenation (tidal volume for 3 minutes, 8 vital capacity, tidal volume to EtO2 of = 90% and vital capacities to EtO2 = 90%) and then measuring the time of normalization of the saturation breathing environments to regain baseline SaO2, with each technique.
Results: No significant difference in the application of the techniques of preoxygenation, nor in time of normalization of the saturation level of Bogotá with the four preoxygenation techniques applied to our patients.
Conclusion: The four preoxygenation techniques are effective, however we recommend the use of techniques that seek a EtO2 = 90%, and is very striking recovery time from saturation basal: 3.9 minutes in healthy volunteers, lack studies preoxygenation and breath to our height to confirm that the desaturation time is significantly less than at sea level.
Keywords: Preoxygenation, fraction exhaled O2 (EtO2), oxygen saturation (SaO2).