Análisis de la incidencia de la producción de biocombustibles a través de cultivos transgénicos en la seguridad alimentaria. Estudio de caso: Cultivos de soja transgénica en Argentina
Gómez Salamanca, María Paula
States´ search for the fossil fuels energetic dependency mitigation has triggered to seeking for alternative energies. This dynamic has led to the use and production of Biofuels and at the same time, biofuels´ production by transgenic crops has been internationally increasing. This last option has been considered to be an answer to the use of land or “Biofuels vs. Food” dilemma. In this context, the Argentinean case as one of the major transgenic crops producer around the world, especially in terms of soy, is analyzed in this research as a good example for measuring transgenic biofuels´ impact on food security.