Salud financiera y riesgo en los estados financieros de la empresa Avianca del sector aeronautico
Amortegui Babativa, Cristian
Globalization and competitiveness as a business reality, implies that managers prepare their companies the best way to survive in this world so unstable and changing. The first step consists of investigating and measured as the company is in each of its components, such as human resources, marketing, logistics, operation and finally and most important finance. Knowledge of financial health and risks associated with business activity will enable managers to make the right decisions to be profitable and enduring in the world of business immersed in globalization and competitiveness. This finding is relevant to Avianca SA, this considering their progress and development since its first flight on December 5, 1919 commercial, until today when traded in New York Stock Exchanges. This through a descriptive analysis, accompanied by the application of ratios and nomenclatures, will lead to establish the financial health and risks, not only Avianca but also the aviation sector. It gave as result that the aviation sector is financially healthy in the short term, but in the long term financial health is compromised by the risks associated with the sector and the activity.